
Friday, March 16, 2012

Photo Gallery: Deer wild and free in the Southland

  Here are some wonderful  pictures of deer frolicking and roaming contently in the Hollywood Hills and Griffith Park. Freelance photog Terje “Terry” Canavarro snapped these pictures recently with his digital Canon Rebel xsi . It took some extra effort and patience to get close enough to the deer to capture these images:”One of them charged at me but I […]
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Comedy fundraiser for Burbank Tournament of Roses Association

NBC-4’s weathercaster/comic, Fritz Coleman, will mcee an evening of laughs and fun at Flappers Comedy Club to benefit the Burbank Tournament of  Roses Association on Sunday, March 11, 2012. The fundraiser begins at 5 p.m. Also, scheduled to take to the mike and do some stand-up, Charles Fleischer, Dana Eagle,  James P. Connolly, Jimmy Brogan, Natisha Anderson, and Sammy K […]
Friday, March 9, 2012

Vivid Colors: Reception for local artist Alice Asmar

Meet local artist Alice Asmar and view some of her extraordinary works at a special reception Sunday, March 11, 2-5 p.m. at the Geo Gallery 1545 Victory Blvd., Glendale 91201. The event is hosted by former Burbank Mayor Marsha Ramos. “I’ve selected some personal favorites of her pieces that capture the culture of the American Southwest and are reflective of […]
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Garden Guru: Planting tomatoes and peppers part 1

It’s about time for tomatoes and peppers. With these unusually cold nights and warm days those plants don’t know what to do! But they are readily becoming available at your local nurseries in seedling form. If you want to start from seeds, now is the time. For seed sowing this time of year, it’s a good idea to start them […]
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Media City G Connection: Jobs and career opportunities

New feature on Deadline.com showcases jobs in the entertainment industry, among the listing an opening for a senior product management assistant over at the Disney Studios here in Burbank. On the list, jobs at Paramount, Sony, Showtime, Fox, and the BBC at locations in Burbank and elsewhere. Also, a number of search and resume tools to help in that hunt for […]
Monday, March 5, 2012

Jean Youn: Spring ahead with a new start

It is now March, meaning that it is almost spring. I like to think of spring as a time of renewal and starting fresh. In Korea, sometimes the beginning of spring is interrupted by unseasonably cold temperatures and sometimes it even snows. When this happens, it is said that the cold weather is jealous of the beauty of the flowers […]
Monday, March 5, 2012

A night of magic in Burbank

A magical night for a good cause is set for this Saturday, March 10, 7-8:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Burbank at 521 East Olive Avenue. The event is a fundraiser for the children’s ministries to help provide scholarships for summer camp. Director of communications and female student ministries, Carly Jones, says, “Our dream would be to raise $15,000 total for […]
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Jean Youn: Sun of the heart

 Last week, I read a letter a father wrote to his daughter who is getting married. In the letter he wrote, “Dearest daughter, a long time ago in England, wives were called peace weavers.” It seems to suggest that the father was hoping that his daughter would be able to create peace in the new family she will start with […]
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

UPDATED-Media City G Profile: Actor Arlow Stewart

There’s a ton of great talent in the Southland. So we’re going to be giving shout-outs to some of  that talent in a new feature called Media City G Profiles.  First up: Actor Arlow Stewart. I heard Arlow Stewart give a cold reading during a community event here in Burbank a short while ago. I was impressed with his skill. Others there commented on his strong […]