Fronnie Lewis

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Who’s the highest paid actress in Hollywood?

Hollywood is a tough town, but you can make your mark and pulled in some big bucks. It’s still a struggle for women in Tinseltown, but some of the actresses are now taking home some pretty hefty paychecks. Topping the list, Angelina Jolie who earned a reported $33 million between June of 2012 and June of 2013. Another veteran, Jennifer […]
Monday, July 29, 2013

City Buzz: Olive Avenue the deadliest street in Burbank?

There’s always some danger when you cross a busy street, however, Olive Avenue may be the deadliest street for pedestrians in Burbank. Last night, a man was hit and killed at Olive Avenue near Naomi Street. The fatal accident reportedly happened around 10:15 p.m. The victim was in one of the eastbound lanes when he was struck by a car, […]
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Burbank Police launch new website

The Burbank Police Department has a new home on the Internet. Yesterday, a news release announced the launch of the BPD’s new website .Two years in development, the site is packed with information in a user friendly format. According to the release, the new site came about, “… in an effort to provide the community with greater access to the […]
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Shout-outs and Call-outs: Who got noticed

Shout-outs   Some praise is deserved for the extremely popular and apparently very customer service savvy Porto’s Bakery at Magnolia Boulevard and Hollywood Way in Burbank. As I was leaving the bakery/eatery last Thursday night at closing time, I noticed an employee handing out bags of something at the door. I asked the young lady with the bright smile about […]
Monday, July 22, 2013

Burbank Northwest Library: Officially open for business today

    Back in business! The Northwest Branch of the Burbank Library officially reopened to the public today. As reported here earlier here, the branch at 3323 West Victory Boulevard was closed last August for earthquake retrofitting, up grades, and general renovations. A ribbon cutting ceremony and open house was held last Saturday. Great piece about the event by Joyce […]
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Warner Bros. announces Superman/Batman film is on fast track

  Get ready for an unprecedented double dose of superhero power on the big screen. Warner Bros. announced yesterday the sequel for their super-successful “Man of Steel” will involve both Superman and Batman! “Man of Steel” director, Zack Snyder, is at the helm of the sequel, which is apparently in pre-production and has a scheduled release date of summer 2015. […]
Friday, July 19, 2013

Burbank Northwest Library reopening ceremony this weekend

A reopening ceremony is on tap tomorrow for the nearly 41-year-old Northwest Branch of the Burbank Library. Since August first of last year, the library branch at 3323 West Victory Boulevard has been closed for upgrades and renovations. The festivities on Saturday begin with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 10 a.m. followed by an open house until noon. The public […]
Thursday, July 18, 2013

2013 Primetime Emmy Awards nominees announced today: Netflix makes history

  The 2013 Primetime Emmy Awards nominees came out this morning and rocked the entertainment industry with some surprise choices. Netflix, an online provider, grabbed 12 nominations including 9 for its political thriller, “House of Cards.” This is a first time the Emmys have recognized digital content delivered on the Internet as equal to the quality of the best regular […]
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Why “Pacific Rim” got defeated by “Despicable Me 2” at the box office

As the final numbers for the weekend show, “Despicable Me 2” is still king of the domestic box office. The new big budget sci-fic actioner, “Pacific Rim” had a fan base and good reviews, but still lost steam before the weekend was over. ‘Pacific Rim”had to settle for third, behind the poorly reviewed “Grown Ups 2.” What happened? Perhaps moviegoers […]