Fronnie Lewis

Monday, October 24, 2011

Jean Youn: Passion for life

Have you ever heard of a species of bird called the goldcrest? It is a very tiny bird about the size of your thumb. Goldcrests are birds that can withstand very harsh winter climates. Animals have different methods of winter survival. Bears hibernate and migratory birds fly south for the winter. Goldcrests also have their own special way of withstanding […]
Friday, October 21, 2011

President Obama ends the war in Iraq

“So today, I can report that, as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year.  After nearly nine years, America’s war in Iraq will be over. Over the next two months, our troops in Iraq — tens of thousands of them — will pack up their gear and board convoys for […]
Friday, October 21, 2011

Garden Guru: Growing your own pumpkins for Halloween

Oh geez! How many customers have I talked out of pumpkin seeds this week? Mark your calendars for next year around June if you want to plant a pumpkin patch for the kids or yourself. Pumpkins are a warm season crop that likes the heat and ripens about this time in the fall. If you can find the starters about August, […]
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Actress lands another book deal

  Actress Jenny McCarthy isn’t above showing off her body or book smarts. The former Playboy model is the author of a number of bestsellers including, “Life Laughs”, “Baby Laughs,” Belly Laughs,” and “Love, Lust & Faking It.” Also, McCarthy has written serious books about autism including,  “Louder than Words: A mother’s journey in healing autism. ” Now McCarthy, is going back to her […]
Monday, October 17, 2011

Walmart community meeting today

The long anticipated community meeting with the Walmart is today at 5 p.m. The big retailer is hosting what it calls a “community open house”  at the former site of The Great Indoors, where it intends to open a new Walmart. So what are the plans for this one-stop shopping store?  The Walmart honchos are supposed to reveal those plans at the meeting […]
Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial dedicated in DC

The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial has been open since last August, but the official dedication was delayed until today by the fury of Hurricane Irene during the summer. A crowd estimated to be around 30,000 gathered on the National Mall to witness the historic event. Remarks by President Obama at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Dedication The National Mall Washington, […]
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jean Youn: A good time to focus on the positive

A Korean proverb says that people from long ago are never wrong. This is to say that the things they have said had come from experience after experience and they’ve had a lot of time to think about what they say. The Korean word for autumn is Gah-Eul. Gah-Eul means to cut off. The origin comes from how fruits from […]
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Weekend weather: fog, sunshine, warm temps

Fog and low clouds this Saturday morning, however, that’s supposed to burn off in a while. Sunshine and warm temperatures are on tap for today and through Monday. A dramatic change from that quickie heat wave of a few days ago. The high expected to be in the upper 70s to mid-80s today in the Media City. At night the temperature will […]
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Talk of the Town: The Walmart war

This pro-Walmart flyer was e-mailed to me last night.  It’s a slick piece of promotion from the nation’s largest retailer.  As expected, Walmart is  trying to rally support for its upcoming “community open house” at the old location of the Great Indoors, in the Empire Center, Monday, October 17, at 5 p.m. This location is the designated site of a new Walmart. […]