Fronnie Lewis

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Garden Guru: Fall lawn care

I have customers coming in saying that it’s time to over-seed their Bermuda and St. Augustine grass while it’s “calendar” wise for them to go dormant (= “go to sleep, and get brownish”). The thing is with us here in the valley having a very short dormant period, I would watch the weather and when it says we will be […]
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Smart Meter Public Forum coming up

Some Burbank residents are stepping up their battle against the controversial smart meters, which are designed to relay usage data to a utility center.  They call themselves “Burbank Action.” There is growing concern about charges the smart meters invade the privacy of residents, cause illnesses, and result in higher utility rates. The California Public Utilities Commission is looking into the issue. Burbank Action is one of several groups […]
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Finally, Frank McCourt agrees to sell the Dodgers!

A huge sigh of relief in the Southland today. Frank McCourt, the embattled owner of the Dodgers, has agreed to sell the team. Bill Shaikin over at the Los Angeles Times broke the story on Monday evening that a plan was in the works between McCourt and Major League Baseball. An agreement was reached late yesterday. The team will be […]
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Burbank Police drug-take back event a hit

Burbank Police are calling last Saturday’s drug-take back event “…a huge success!” The public was asked to drop off unwanted prescription drugs at the Burbank PD headquarters on October 29. This is the first time this department has joined forces with the Drug Enforcement Administration for this type of event. The Burbank round-up collected approximately 250 pounds of drugs. The DEA […]
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jean Youn: Halloween, customs, and traditions

Tomorrow is the last day of October and it is also Halloween! Do you celebrate Halloween? Some people do and others don’t, and that’s ok. People hold different kinds of customs and traditions based on their culture and beliefs. Families like mine that consist of first and second generation immigrants often find it necessary to mix the customs and cultures […]
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Volunteers plant a community garden in Burbank

Volunteers used people power and creativity to get a new community garden planted in Burbank yesterday.  The garden is the love project of Principal Chris Krohn and her students at Burbank Community Day School at 223 East Santa Anita Avenue. The students, grades 7 – 12, are at risk kids looking for a second chance. Krohn says it all started last year […]
Sunday, October 30, 2011

More runaway production: “Iron Man 3” to film out of state

Another major movie production is saying “adios” to Southern California. Marvel Studios reportedly has agreed to shoot “Iron Man 3” in North Carolina due,mainly to the state’s 25 percent  production tax credit, according to The first two installments of the Iron Man franchise made over a billion dollars worldwide. Both were shot in Los Angeles. The “Iron Man 3”  production will be heading […]