Fronnie Lewis

Monday, November 29, 2010

City Buzz

 Nomination period extended until Wednesday Today at 5 p.m. was supposed to be the deadline for all nomination documents  for the 2011 Municipal Elections to be turned into the Burbank City Clerk’s Office. However, that deadline has been extended. A notice of the deadline change to Wednesday, December 1, 2010, appears on the city website. Interestingly, it includes Mayor/City Council member […]
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Windy, cold, and more showers possible

Windy and cold on this Sunday in the Media City and same goes for a lot of places in the Southland. There’s a wind advisory in effect from 9 a.m. today until 3 a.m. tomorrow. In the Burbank hillside area, the winds are whipping through the trees and making it feel a lot colder than the low 50s.  The high […]
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Stormy Saturday evening in Burbank & most of the Southland

All of a sudden rain is pounding Burbank.  Sure showers were in the forecast, but the weather was mild and sunny for most of the day. Then a cold front rolled into the Southland late this evening. Chilly temperatures tonight, 30s and 40s, in the Media City. Also, along with the showers some 15 to-25 mph winds.   When I looked outside at the falling […]
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Photo Gallery: President Obama gets a high-five & a busted lip

  President Barack Obama probably has a very sore lip today, after being injured in a pick-up basketball game, with friends and White House aides, at Fort McNair in Washington DC, yesterday. During the game, President Obama got elbowed in the  mouth and had to leave because of a busted lip. A short time later, he reportedly received 12 stitches at the White House. […]
Friday, November 26, 2010

Flappers in Burbank gearing up for the holiday season

Flappers Comedy Club on East Magnolia Boulevard in Burbank is putting the word out that it wants to be party central this holiday season. The Flappers’ staff dished out samples from its delicious food menu and passed around tiny versions of its speciality martinis at a promotional event, held at that club, earlier this month. The tasty Oreo-mint martinis were […]
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving and a hoop shot at Trader Joe’s

  I’m thankful for the major blessings like good friends, loved ones, church, health, and career opportunities on this Thanksgivings. Also, when I sit down to that feast later on today — I will be thankful for those small moments that bring laughter and surprises. Last week on Wednesday, November 17, I  had one of those surprise moments at the Trader Joe’s on East […]
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Controversy over Amazon’s new big bucks contest for filmmakers and screenwriters

A new online contest is offering more than two million in prizes to wannabe screenwriters and filmmakers. Launched last week Amazon Studios , is backed by online retailer,, which has a first look deal with Warner Bros. The Amazon Studios’ website claims it,”… will award  a combined $2.7 million in our first year’s worth of monthly and annual contests for […]
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A wedding date for Prince William and Kate Middleton

A date and place for the royal wedding of Prince William and his bride-to-be, Kate Middleton, have been selected. It’s Friday April 29, 2011 at the historic Westminster Abbey. The announcement was posted today on the official website of the British Monarchy and on website of The Prince of Wales, Prince Charles. The latter is really a family site for Prince Charles, his sons, William and […]