Fronnie Lewis

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A jury reaches a decision in the MySpace hoax trial

Today a Los Angeles jury came back with mixed verdicts in the first ever so-called cyber bullying case. Lori Drew, a Missouri mother, is accused of conspiring with her daughter and a business assistant to send harassing Internet messages to 13-year-old Megan Meier who later committed suicide. Prosecutor says Drew helped orchestrate a ruse to have a make-believe boyfriend humilate the emotionally fragile Meier on the MySpace social network. Meier was once […]
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Serious rain on the way; evacuations in Southland burn areas

   While some folks scramble to find their rarely used umbrellas today, others in the Southland are either sandbagging or shoring up their properties in the areas charred by the recent wildfires. The threat of mudslides is so serious in Orange County, volunteer evacuations are recommended in the most fire-ravaged  canyon areas of Yorba Linda. Earlier this month, wind-whipped wildfires destroyed hundreds of homes and […]
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Missouri, McCain, and President-elect Obama

Three weeks ago today, Illinois Senator Barack Obama won the November 4 presidential election; he gave a gracious victory speech and his challenger, Arizona Senator John McCain, delivered an eloquent concession. However, the presidential election of 2008 did not wrap up until a few days ago when Missouri, the last state to complete counting presidential votes, announced its results.   Missouri’s ballot count did not change the outcome, […]
Monday, November 24, 2008

Bush administration bails out another financial high-roller

  The bigwigs running Citigroup, Inc. can rest easier in their plush offices, now that the Bush administration has tossed them $20 billion of taxpayer money. This is the second money lifeline for this mega-financial services company. Earlier, the government pumped $25 billion of our money into Citigroup. During a news conference this morning, President George Bush defended the rescue of Citigroup saying, “We have made […]
Monday, November 24, 2008

“Twilight” lights up the Box Office

Google Image — Cast of “Twilight”   The vampire flick “Twilight” took a huge bite out of the Box Office over the weekend to become the number one film in the country. “Twilight” had an incredible debut with a haul of $70 million. The film version of Stephanie Meyer’s best selling teen vampire romance novel, “Twilight,” had eager moviegoers lining up at theaters nationwide for midnight […]
Sunday, November 23, 2008

A book deal for another Trump

  Google Image – Donald and Ivanka Trump   Ivanka Trump is following in the footsteps of mom and dad. The 27-year-old daughter of billionaire real estate mogul, television reality show host, and mega-personality Donald Trump has signed a book deal with Touchstone, according to the Publishers Weekly website. The former model is now an executive for the Trump Organization as well […]
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Negotiations break down between SAG and the Producers

            Even with the help of a mediator, negotiations between the Screen Actors Guild and the producers imploded early this morning. SAG and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers have been haggling over a contract for months. The meeting with federal mediator Juan Carlos Gonzalez was seen as a last ditch effort to avoid a strike by the union’s […]
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Another Metrolink train crash blamed on a blown red light

It’s happened again. Federal officials are now investigating yet another Metrolink crash in the Southland. This time, a Metrolink commuter train and a freight train banged metal in Rialto on Thursday. Five passengers on the commuter train were injured. This accident was not the catastrophe that occurred in Chatsworth back in September, when 25 people died and more than a 100 […]
Friday, November 21, 2008

Joe the Plumber becomes Joe the Author

  Joe the Plumber is really stretching his 15 minutes of fame. He’s that Ohio plumber who had a chat with then Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on the campaign trail, early last month. Joe, whose real name is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, came away from that encounter criticizing Obama’s tax plan. Republican Presidential candidate John McCain leaped on this and outed Joe […]