Sunday, August 23, 2020
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- animals
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- Astronomy
- Burbank Scene
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- charity
- Commentary
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- consumer alert
- Crime
- disasters
- drought
- Drugs
- education
- Elections
- Entertainment
- environment
- Features
- Features & Guest Posts
- food
- games
- government
- Guest Posts
- Health
- Holidays
- Hollywood Highlights
- jobs
- Labor
- Law Enforcement
- Letters to the Editor
- Media Releases
- News & General Info
- News and General Info
- News Releases
- opinion
- Photo gallery
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- Politics & Issues
- Politics and Issues
- protests
- Publishing Notes
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- real estate
- science
- social media
- Space
- Sports
- travel
- Uncategorized
- Vehicles
- weather
- Web Buzz
- Writing Tips
- All
- "
- " movie trailers
- "Fast & Furious"
- "Hunger Games: Catching Fire"
- "Iron Man 3"
- "Iron Man" franchise
- "Jurassic World"
- "Nightly News"
- "The Hobbit
- "The Late Late Show
- "The Man of Steel"
- "Barbie"
- 1-5 freeway
- 2001
- 2011
- 2012
- 2014
- 2014 Winter Olympics
- 2015 Burbank endorsements
- 2024
- 2025 Golden Globes
- 50501 Movement
- 60 Minutes
- 7-Eleven
- 9-11
- 9/11
- A Strong View
- A Writer's View
- ABC News
- Abraham Lincoln
- Academy Awards
- Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
- accidents
- actor
- actors
- actress
- actresses
- advertising
- Afghanistan
- aftershocks
- age
- agencies
- agents
- air travel
- airfare
- airfares
- airlines
- airlines LAX Hawaii American Airlines emergency landing
- airplanes
- airports
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Albertsons
- albums
- alcohol
- alerts
- Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers
- ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
- Altadena
- alternative rock
- Amal Clooney
- Amazon
- AMC Entertainment
- AMC theatres
- American Airlines
- American Federation of Teachers
- American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
- American Film Institute
- American Heart Association
- American Progressive Bag Alliance
- American Red Cross
- Amy Victoria Beck
- Anaheim
- Andy Warhol
- Angeles National Forest
- Angels
- animals
- animation
- Anna Nicole Smith
- anniversary
- announcements
- Annual Care Walk
- Anthem
- Anthony Weiner
- anti-theft programs
- antique shops
- antiques
- Antonio Villaraigosa
- anxiety
- appeals court
- Apple
- applications
- appointments
- apps
- Arcadia
- Arco
- arena football
- Arizona
- Arizona tragedy
- Arlington National Cemetery
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Around the Southland
- arraignment
- arrest
- arrests
- arson
- art
- art festival
- art gallery
- art show
- artists
- arts
- arts festival
- ash
- Assembly bills
- Assemblyman Mike Gatto
- Assemblymember Nick Schultz
- Assistant Library Services Director Melissa Potter
- astronauts
- astronomy
- AT&T
- athletes
- Atlantis
- ATMs
- attack
- attempted robbery
- attractions
- auctions
- auditions
- author
- authors
- auto body shops
- auto industry
- automakers
- autumn
- aviation
- awards
- B-town
- bailout
- bailouts
- bakery
- bald eagle
- Baldwin Park
- ballet
- balloons
- ballot measures
- ballots
- ban
- bands
- bank jugging
- Bank of America
- bankruptcy
- banks
- banners
- bans
- Barack Obama
- Barbara Walters
- Barbra Streisand
- bargains
- barricade
- bars
- baseball
- basketball
- Baskin-Robbins
- Batman
- battleground states
- battleships
- Be Boppin' in the Park
- beaches
- bears
- Beatles
- beauty
- beauty pageants
- beauty school
- beer
- Bel-Air
- Bell
- Ben & Jerry's
- Ben Affleck
- Ben Franklin
- Benderspink
- benefits
- Bernard Madoff
- Bernie Madoff
- bestsellers list
- Betty Grable
- Beverly Hills
- Beverly Hills Police
- Beverly Hills Police Department
- Beyonce
- Bible
- bicycles
- Biden administration
- Big Mama's and Papa's Pizzeria
- bike lane
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Cosby
- bills
- bins
- birds
- birthdays
- birthright citizenship
- Black Friday
- black roses
- Black women
- Blast From the Past
- blogger
- bloggers
- blogging
- blogs
- blood donations
- Blood Moon
- bo
- Bo First Dog
- Bo Obama
- Boar's Head
- Board of Education
- boards
- Bob and Dolores Hope estate
- Bob Frutos
- Bob Hope
- Bob Hope Airport
- Bob Marley
- Bob's Big Boy
- Bobbi Kristina Brown
- bobcats
- body
- body cameras
- bomb squad
- bond measure
- Book Buzz
- book deal
- book deals
- book publishers
- book signings
- books
- books. publishers
- bookstores
- boos
- booze
- Boston bombings
- box office
- box offices
- Boy Scouts
- Boyle Heights
- Boys & Girls Clubs of America
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Burbank & Greater East Valley
- Brand Library
- Brand Park
- Brazil
- break ins
- breakfast
- breast cancer
- Bree Walker
- Bret Hart Elementary
- Brian Williams
- Britain
- British
- British Monarchy
- Broadway
- Bruce Jenner
- Bruno Mars
- brush fires
- Bubank School Board
- Buckingham Palace
- budget
- Buena Vista
- Buena Vista Branch Library
- Buena Vista Library
- Burbaank
- Burbank
- Burbank Airport Authority
- Burbank Animal Shelter
- Burbank area
- Burbank Art Association
- Burbank Association of Realtors
- Burbank Central Library
- Burbank Chamber of Commerce
- Burbank City Attorney
- Burbank City Attorney Amy Albano
- Burbank City Attorney's Office
- Burbank City Clerk
- Burbank City Clerk's Office
- Burbank City Council
- Burbank City Council chambers
- Burbank City Council Nick Schultz
- Burbank City Council. Burbank School Board
- Burbank City Councilman Bob Frutos
- Burbank city Councilmember Konstantine Anthony
- Burbank City Councilwoman Emily Gabel-Luddy
- Burbank City Federal Credit Union
- Burbank City Hall
- Burbank City Manager Mark Scott
- Burbank City Treasurer
- Burbank Civil Service Board
- Burbank Ciy Council
- Burbank Community Day School
- Burbank Community YMCA
- Burbank Coordinating Council
- Burbank Coummunity YMCA
- Burbank Council Member Nick Schultz
- Burbank Cultural Arts Commission
- Burbank Democratic Club
- Burbank Elections
- Burbank elections 2015
- Burbank elections 2017
- Burbank Fire Chief
- Burbank Fire Chief Tom Lenahan
- Burbank Fire Department
- Burbank float
- Burbank General Election
- Burbank General Municipal Election
- Burbank High School
- Burbank Human Relations Council
- Burbank Illinois
- Burbank leader
- Burbank Library
- Burbank Mayor Bob Frutos
- Burbank Mayor Dr. David Gordon
- Burbank Mayor Emily Gabel-Luddy
- Burbank Mayor Nick Schultz
- Burbank Media District
- Burbank news
- Burbank On Demand
- Burbank on Parade
- Burbank Parks and Recreation Department
- Burbank Planning Board
- Burbank Police
- Burbank Police Chief
- Burbank Police Chief Michael Albanese
- Burbank Police Commission
- Burbank Police Commissioners
- Burbank Police Department
- Burbank Police Officers Association
- Burbank Primary Election
- Burbank Primary Nominating Election
- Burbank Public Library
- Burbank Recycle Center
- Burbank School Board
- Burbank School Board Steve Frintner
- Burbank Target West
- Burbank Temporary Aid Center
- Burbank Tournament of Roses Association
- Burbank Town Center
- Burbank Traffic Commission
- Burbank Unified School District
- Burbank Unified School District Board
- Burbank Vice Mayor Nikki Perez
- Burbank Village
- Burbank Water and Power
- Burbank YMCA
- Burbank.Media City
- Burbankers
- BurbanknBeyond
- Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
- Bureau of Automotive Repair
- burgers
- burglaries
- burglary
- Business
- business owners
- businesses
- buyback event
- buyers
- buyouts
- CAA agents
- cable
- cable network
- cafes
- Caitlyn Jenner
- Calabasas
- calendar
- calendars
- Calfornia
- California
- California Assembly
- California Attorney General Rob Bonta
- California High-Speed Rail Authority
- California Lottery
- California Police Officers Association
- California Primary
- California State Assembly
- calls
- Caltrans
- campaign '08
- campaign 2010
- campaign 2012
- Campaign 2016
- campaign 2020
- Campaign 2022
- Campaign 2024
- campaign signs
- campaigns
- cancellations
- cancer
- candidate
- candidates
- cannabis
- canned drinks
- Canoga Park
- Captain Mark Kelly
- car accidents
- car shows
- car washi
- Care4All California
- career opportunities
- careers
- Carmenita Helligar
- carre facilities
- carrots
- cars
- cars shows
- Cartoon Network
- cartoons
- Casey Kasem
- Castaway
- casting call
- catalytic converters
- Catherine "Kate" Middleton
- cats
- Cavalia's Odysseo"
- ceasefire deal
- celebity chefs
- celebration
- celebrations
- celebrities
- celebrity chefs
- celebrity stylist
- celestial
- cell phones
- cemeteries
- centennial
- ceremonies
- Challenger
- Chandler Bike Path
- charges
- charity
- Charlie Chaplin
- Charlie Sheen
- Charter
- Chatsworth
- cheerleaders
- chemicals
- Chicago
- Chicago Tribune
- Chick-fil-A
- child molestation
- child pornography
- child predators
- children
- children's books
- Chinese New Year
- Chipotle
- Chris Brown
- Chris Rizzotti
- Christina Pascucci
- Christina Taylor Green
- Christmas
- Christmas carols
- Christmas Day
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas trees
- Chrysler
- churches
- cigarettes
- cinco de mayo
- Circus Vargas
- cities
- City
- city attorney
- City Buzz
- City Clerk Zizette Mullins
- city council
- city government
- City Hall
- city life
- city manager
- City Manager Mike Flad
- City of Burbank
- City Treasurer
- city view
- civil rights
- classes
- classic cars
- classic vehicles
- Clayton Kershaw
- climate change
- clip art
- clipart
- Clippers
- clocks
- clothing
- clothing lines
- clouds
- cloudy skies
- clutter
- Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival
- coaches
- coalitions
- Coco Gauff
- coffee
- coffee shop
- coffee shops
- coins
- Coke
- Coldwater Canyon Avenue
- collectibles
- college
- college students
- colleges
- Colorado
- coloring
- Columbus Day
- columns
- Comcast
- comedians
- comedy
- comic books
- Comic Con
- comics
- commercials
- commissions
- committees
- community alerts
- community bulletins
- community events
- community meetings
- community views
- community views and letters
- companies
- compost
- compost bins
- composting
- computers
- Conan O'Brien
- concerts
- Confederate flag
- congress
- Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords
- Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
- conservation
- conservatives
- construction
- consumer alerts
- Consumer Reports
- consumers
- contests
- contract talks
- controversies
- controversy
- conventions
- cooking
- cooling centers
- cooling tips
- copper wire theft
- coronavirus
- Costco
- costume designer
- costumes
- Councilman Bob Frutos
- Councilman David Gordon
- Councilman Dr. David Gordon
- Councilman Jess Talamantes
- Councilman Will Rogers
- Councilman/Mayor Dave Golonski
- Councilmember Bob Frutos
- Councilmember Nick Schultz
- Councilmember Sharon Springer
- Counseling4kids
- county
- court case
- court cases
- court drama
- court dramas
- court ruling
- court rulings
- courts
- COVID pandemic
- COVID-19
- Covina
- coyotes
- crash crashes
- credit cards
- Crime
- crime alerts
- crime prevention
- criminal cases
- criminal investigations
- Crumbs Bake Shop
- CSI: Las Vegas
- Cuba
- culture
- cultures
- Culver City
- cupcakes
- curfew
- customs
- Cusumano Real Estate Group
- cyber attacks
- Cyndi Lauper
- Daily Variety
- Dalai Lama
- dance
- data
- dating
- David Nos
- David Piroli
- David Starr Jordan Middle School
- Daylight Saving Time
- Daytime Entertainment Emmy Awards
- DC
- deadlines
- deals
- death investigation
- debate
- debates
- Debbie Allen Dance Academy
- DeBell Golf Club
- Debell Golf Course
- December
- decisions
- declawing
- decorations
- deer
- degrees
- delegates
- democracy
- Democratic National Convention 2012
- Democratic National Convention 2020
- Democratic National Convention 2024
- Democrats
- demonstrations
- dengue
- Denver
- Denver Broncos
- Department of Motor Vehicles
- deportation
- development
- DGA Awards
- Dianne Feinstein
- Dima Otvertchenko Freelance Photographer
- director
- directors
- Directors Guild of America
- disasters
- discounts
- Discovery
- Discovery Channel
- discrimination
- diseases
- dishes
- Disney
- Disney Kingdoms
- Disney-ABC Television Group
- Disneyland
- disputes
- distracted drivers
- diversity
- DNC 2024
- documentaries
- Dodger Stadium
- Dodgers
- Dog Haus
- dog parks
- dogs
- Dolly Parton
- domestic violence
- Domino's
- Donald Sterling
- Donald Trump
- donations
- Donut Prince
- donuts
- Doug Emhoff
- Downtown Burbank
- Downtown Burbank ARTS Festival
- Downtown Los Angeles
- Downtown Post Office
- Dr. Armond Aghakhanian
- Dr. Conrad Murray
- Dr. David Gordon
- Dr. Dre
- Dr. Jane Goodall
- Dr. Jill Biden
- Dr. Lucy Jones
- Dr. Phil
- draws
- dreams
- DreamWorks
- Drew Sugars
- drinks
- driveless vehicles
- drones
- drop off box
- drop-off centers
- drought
- drug bust
- Drug Enforcement Administration
- drug stores
- drugs
- drunk driving
- dry cleaners
- Duarte
- Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
- Dunkin' Donuts
- e-books
- e-mails
- e-publishing
- E.coli
- Eagle Rock
- earnings
- Earth
- Earth Day
- earthquake
- earthquakes
- Earvin "Magic" Johnson
- East Bay
- East Coast
- East San Fernando Valley
- Easter
- Eaton Fire
- eBay
- Ebola
- ebooks
- economy
- editor
- eduation
- education
- educators
- Edwards Air Force Base
- egg hunts
- Egg-Stravaganza
- eggs
- El Nino
- El Segundo
- El Torito
- election
- Election 2024
- Election Buzz
- election day
- election results
- Elections
- electricity
- Elevate Burbank
- Elise Stearns-Niesen
- Elizabeth Edwards
- Elizabeth Taylor
- Ellen DeGeneres
- Elon Musk
- emails
- emergency landings
- Emily Gabel-Luddy
- Emmys
- Empire Center
- Empire Project
- employees
- employers
- employment
- Endeavour
- endorsements
- energy
- entertainer
- entertainers
- entertainers. singers
- Entertainment
- Entertainment Buzz
- entertainmers
- entertainters
- entrepreneurs
- environment
- equal pay
- equal rights
- equality
- Erik Estrada
- erotic romance
- estates
- evacuations
- events
- evictions
- Ex-Congressman Billy Long
- Ex-President Donald Trump
- executive orders
- exercise
- exhibits
- explosion
- explosions
- explosives
- face coverings
- face masks
- fake alerts
- fall
- fall festivals
- fall planting
- family
- Family Promise
- Family Service Agency
- fans
- Fantasy 5
- farmworkers
- fashion
- fashion designer
- Fashion Police
- Fast & Furious 7
- Fast food
- fast food outlets
- fatal collision
- Father's Day
- Federal Communications Commission
- FedEx
- fellowships
- female bikers
- female workers
- Festival of Books
- festivals
- festivals. music
- feuds
- film critic
- film critics
- film deals
- film festivals
- film permit ordinance
- film permits
- film production
- filmmakers
- films
- fims
- finance
- financial aid
- financial crisis
- fines
- Fire
- Fire Service Day
- fireeworks
- firefighters
- fires
- fireworks
- first lady
- First Lady Michelle Obama
- first pitch
- First Presbyterian Church
- flags
- Flappers comedy club
- flash mob
- flims
- floats
- Florida
- florists
- flowers
- flu
- fod
- food
- food additives
- Food and Drug Administration
- food drive
- food festivals
- food giveaway
- Food Groove
- food trucks
- football
- football field
- foothills
- Forbes
- Ford
- Forest Lawn Glendale
- Forever Stamps
- Former President Barack Obama
- Former President Jimmy Carter
- Fort Hood
- forums
- Fourth of July
- Fox Network
- fragrances
- France
- Frank McCourt
- fraud
- fraudsters
- Free Cone Day
- Free services
- freebies
- freeways
- Fresh & Easy
- Friday the 13th
- fruit
- fun stuff
- fundraiser
- fundraisers
- fundraising
- funeral services
- funerals
- fuse
- G-20 Summit
- games
- Gangnam Style
- gangs
- garage sales
- Garden Guru Emilio "Elmo" Telles
- gardening
- gardens
- Garry Marshall
- Gary Bric
- Gary Owens
- gas prices
- gas stations
- gasoline
- gasoline prices
- gasoline princes
- gay marriage
- gay rights
- Gelson's
- General Election
- General Motors
- General Muncipal Election
- General Municipal Election
- generation gaps
- Geo Gallery
- George Clooney
- George Izay Park
- George Stephanopoulos
- George W. Bush
- George Washington
- gift shops
- gifts
- giveaways
- Glendale
- Glendale Church of Chirst
- Glendale Fire Department
- Glendale News-Press
- Glendale Police Department
- Glendora
- Golden Globes
- Golden Mikes
- Golden State
- golf course
- Good Friday
- goody bags
- gophers
- goverment
- government
- governor
- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Governor Jerry Brown
- Governor Tim Walz
- Grace Kelly
- graduates
- graduation
- Grammys
- grand marshal
- Grand View Memorial Park cemetery
- grants
- greetings
- Greg Reyna Freelance Photographer
- Griffith Park
- Griffith Park Observatory
- groceries
- Grocery Outlet
- grocery stores
- guest blogger
- guest bloggers
- guest posts
- guides
- gun locks
- gun safety
- guns
- Gwenna Hunter
- H1N1
- H5 bird flu
- Haagen-Dazs
- Habitat for Humanity
- hackers
- Haggen
- hair salons
- Haiti
- Halle Berry
- Hallmark
- Halloween
- Hamas
- Hancock Park
- handbags
- Happy New Year
- Harley Davidson
- Harris poll
- Harrison ford
- Harry Potter
- Harry S. Truman
- Hate crimes
- haunted houses
- haunts
- Hawaii
- Hayward
- hazmat
- Health
- health alert
- health care
- health insurance
- health insurance reform
- health warning
- hearing
- heat
- heat alert
- heat pumps
- heat record
- heat warning
- Heat warnings
- heat watch
- heat wave
- helpline
- hemp
- heroes
- high school
- high school students
- high speed rail
- Highland Park
- Hillary Clinton
- Hip Hop
- historian
- historic homes
- history
- hoax
- Hobby Lobby
- hoildays
- holiday
- Holiday Basket Program
- Holiday Baskets Program
- holiday decorations
- holiday greeting
- Holiday in the Park
- holiday season
- holiday tradition
- holidays
- Hollywood
- Hollywood Burbank Airport
- Hollywood deals
- Hollywood Foreign Press Association
- Hollywood Forever Cemetery
- Hollywood Hills
- Hollywood Music and Beer Festival
- Hollywood producers
- Hollywood studios
- Home Depot
- home invasion robbery
- home occupation ordinance
- home sales
- home sellers
- homebuyers
- homeland security
- homeless
- Homelessness
- homes
- homewares
- homicide
- honors
- hoolidays
- horse racing
- hospital workers
- hospitals
- Host Towns
- hostage drama
- Hostess
- hot dogs
- hot weather
- hotels
- house fire
- housing
- Housing for All Act
- housing market
- Hovanes Tonoyan
- humidity
- hunger
- Hurricane Helene
- Hurricane Hilary
- Hurricane Sandy
- hurricanes
- I-5 freeway
- ice cream
- ice skating
- ice skating rink
- Idina Menzel
- illegal immigration
- Illinois
- illnesses
- immigrants
- In The News
- In-N-Out
- inauguration
- indictments
- Indio
- Inernet
- Inflation Reduction Act
- Inglewood
- Inland Empire
- insider trading
- inspections
- Interim City Manager Ken Pulskamp
- Interim City Manager Ron Davis
- Interim Police Chief Scott LaChasse
- Internal Revenue Service
- Internet
- internships
- interviews
- investigation
- investigations
- investment fraud
- investments
- investors
- Iowa
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Israel
- issues
- J.D. Power and Associates
- J.K. Rowling
- Jackie Collins
- Jackie Kennedy
- Jackie Robinson
- Jackie Waltman
- jackpot
- jackpot.s
- jackpots
- James Gandolfini
- Janet Strong
- January 6 rioters
- Japan
- Jason Priestley
- Jay Leno
- Jean Youn
- Jeff Bozos
- Jennifer Hudson
- Jennifer Lopez
- Jerry Buss
- Jesse Tangkhpanya
- Jesus the Christ
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- jewelry
- Jews
- Jim Carrey
- Jim Casey
- Jimmy Fallon
- Jimmy Kimmel Live!
- Joan Fontaine
- Joan Rivers
- job fair
- jobs
- Joe Biden
- Joe Cocker
- Joe the Plumber
- John Burroughs High School
- John Lennon
- John Lewis
- John Lithgow
- John McCain
- John Paramo BUSD Superintendent
- John Travolta
- Johnny Carson
- Johnny Carson Park
- jokes
- Jon Stewart
- Jose Sandoval
- Joseph Gatto
- Josh Hutcherson
- Joslyn Adult Center
- journalists
- JPMorgan Chase
- Juan Guillen
- Judie Wilke
- July 4th
- June
- Kamala Harris
- Kanye West
- Kardashian
- Kate Hansen
- Kate Middleton
- Kate Walsh
- Katherine Perez-Estolano
- Kathy Bates
- Katie Couric
- Keith Olbermann
- Kellogg's Corn Flakes
- Kelly Preston
- Kennedy Space Center
- Kenny G
- Kevin Durant
- Kevin Hart
- Kim Kardashian
- Kindle
- Kiwanis Club of Burbank
- Kmart
- Kobe Bryant
- Konstantine Anthony
- Korea
- Korean War
- Krispy Kreme
- Kristi Yamaguchi
- Kroger
- L'Wren Scott
- La Canada Flintridge
- LA Conservation Corps
- LA Weekly
- labor
- Labor Day
- labor dispute
- labor disputes
- labor practices
- labor unions
- Ladies & Gents Night Out
- Ladies Night Out
- Lady Gaga
- Lakers
- Lancaster
- Lance Armstrong
- landmarks
- landscape
- landscaping
- Las Vegas
- late night hosts
- late night talk shows
- Late Night with Seth Meyers
- Late Show
- laughter
- launch
- Laura Bush
- Lauren Bacall
- law enforcement
- lawmakers
- lawns
- laws
- lawsuits
- layoffs
- League of Women Voters Glendale/Burbank
- leap year
- LeBron James
- lectures
- Lee Daniels' The Butler
- legal battle
- legal cases
- legal dispute
- legal disputes
- legislation
- Leonard Nimoy
- Lester Holt
- Letters to the Editor
- libraries
- Library of Congress
- Libya
- life
- lightning
- LinkTV
- Lionel Richie
- Lisa Leslie
- lists
- literary managers
- litter
- Little League World Series
- LiveRail
- London
- Long Beach
- Los Angeles
- Los Angeles City Attorney's Office
- Los Angeles City Council
- Los Angeles City Council President Paul Krekorian
- Los Angeles Clippers
- Los Angeles County
- Los Angeles County Coroner's Office
- Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
- Los Angeles County registrar Recorder-County Clerk
- Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
- Los Angeles Dodgers
- Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation
- Los Angeles Harbor
- Los Angeles Lakers
- Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
- Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck
- Los Angeles Police Department
- Los Angeles Sparks
- Los Angeles Times
- Los Angeles Times Festival of Books
- Los Feliz
- lottery
- lucasfilm
- lunar eclipse
- Lupita Nyong'o
- Luther Burbank Middle School
- Madam Tussauds Hollywood
- magazines
- Magic Johnson
- Magnolia Boulevard
- Magnolia Park
- Magnolia Park Merchants Association
- mail-in ballots
- Major League Baseball
- Maker Studios
- Malia Obama
- Malibu
- malware
- management firms
- managers
- Manny Ramirez
- mansionization
- March
- March 5 primary 2024
- marches
- Maria Shriver
- Marian Robinson
- Marilyn Monroe
- Marinello
- Mark Hamill
- Mark Salling
- Mark Twain
- Marlon Brando
- Mars
- Marsha Ramos
- Martin Luther King
- Martin Luther King Junior
- Martino's Bakery
- Marvel
- Marvel Studios
- mascots
- mass shootings
- Maya Angelou
- mayor
- Mayor Bob Frutos
- Mayor Jess Talamantes
- Mayor Konstantine Anthony
- Mayor Sharon Springer
- Mayor Will Rogers
- McDonalds
- McMansions
- measles
- Measure ABC
- Measure RC
- measure S
- measures
- medalists
- media
- Media City
- Media City B-town
- Media City Buzz
- Media City G Profiles
- Media City Groove
- Media City La Tuna Fire
- media district
- media release
- media reports
- medical debt
- Medicare
- medicines
- meet and greet
- meetings
- Mega Million
- Mega Millions
- Megan's Law
- memoir
- memorabilia
- Memorial Day
- Memorial Field
- memorial fund
- memorials
- men
- mental health
- menu
- merchants
- mergers
- merit pay
- metal theft
- Metrolink
- Mexico
- Michael Albanese
- Michael J. Fox
- Michael Jace
- Michael Jackson
- Michelle Obama
- Michelle Wilson
- Michigan
- Mick Jagger
- Mickey DePalo
- Microsoft
- Mideast conflicts
- Mighty Mike Plumbing
- migrants
- Mike D'Antoni
- Mike Nichols
- Mike Nolan
- Mike Pence
- milestones
- military
- millionaires
- mind
- minimum wage
- Minnesota Governor Tim Walz
- missing persons
- Misty Copeland
- Mitt Romney
- MLK Day
- mobile
- mobile phones
- models
- moles
- money
- money deals
- money makers
- Montecito
- Montgomery
- mosquitos
- Mother's Day
- motion picture industry
- motorcycles
- mountain lions
- mountains
- Movers Shakers and Groovers
- movie deal
- movie deals
- movie executives
- movie posters
- movie producers
- movies
- movies. box office
- mug shots
- murder
- murders
- music
- music videos
- musicals
- musicans
- musicians
- Muslims
- My Take On It
- Myburbank
- mysteries
- mystery
- NAACP Image Awards
- nail salons
- Naimie's
- Nancy Bea Hefley
- Natalie Cole
- nation
- national
- national anthem
- National Basketball Association
- national bird of U.S.
- National Donut Day
- National Film Registry
- National Flag Day
- National Freedom Day
- National League Championship
- National Night Out
- National Police Week
- National Weather Service
- nationwide
- NATO Summit
- nature
- NBC News
- NBC Studios
- NBC Universal
- NBCUniversal
- negotiations
- neighborhoods
- Nelson Mandela
- net neutrality
- Netflix
- networks
- New ear's Eve
- new laws
- New Orleans
- new year
- New Year's resolutions
- New Years Day
- New Years Eve
- New York
- New York City
- New York Liberty
- New York Police Department
- NewOrleans
- news
- news anchors
- news media
- news release
- newspapers
- NFL football
- Niche. lists
- Nick Adenhart
- Nickelodeon Animation Studio
- Nikki Perez
- no hitter
- Nobel Peace Prize
- nominations
- nominees
- non-profit organizations
- nonprofits
- North Hollywood
- North Korea
- North Screenland Drive
- Northern California
- Northwest Library Branch
- novels
- November
- November 3 General Election
- November 4 General Election
- November 5 General Election
- nuclear power
- nursery
- nurses
- NWS Los Angeles
- O.J. Simpson
- Obamacare
- obesity
- obituaries
- obituary
- observances
- Occidental College
- October Breast Cancer Awareness month
- Oculus
- Officer involved shooting
- officer-involved shootings
- Ohio
- oil companies
- oil spill
- Ojai
- Oklahoma
- Olive Avenue
- Olvera Street
- Olympics
- on-demand
- online
- opinions
- Oprah Winfrey
- Orange County
- Oregon
- organist
- Orlando
- Osama bin Laden
- Oscar
- Oscar de la Renta
- Oscars
- outages
- outbreaks
- P.F. Chang's
- Pacific Palisades
- packages
- Painted Lady butterflies
- painters
- paintings
- Palisades Fire
- Palm Sunday
- pandemic
- Papa John's
- paper bags
- parades
- Paramount
- parents
- Paris Hilton
- Park Fire
- parking
- parking lots
- parks
- parties
- partnerships
- Pasadena
- passengers
- Passover
- Paul McCartney
- Paul Stanley
- Paul Walker
- pay
- PBS SoCal
- Peabody Awards
- pedestrian
- Pell Grants
- pensions
- Penske Media
- Pentagon
- People magazine
- People's March
- peppers
- Pepsi
- performers
- pet adoptions
- Peter O'Toole
- petition
- petitions
- pets
- PGA awards
- pharmaceutical industry
- pharmacy
- Phil Spector
- philanthropy
- Philip Seymour Hoffman
- Philippines
- Phlunte Riddle
- phone number
- phones
- Photo gallery
- photographers
- photos
- Pilates
- Pink's
- Pixar
- pizza
- Pizza Studio
- plane crash
- plane crashes
- planting
- plants
- plastic bags
- plastics
- players
- playoffs
- plays
- plumbing
- poems
- poet
- poets
- poinsettias
- police
- police checkpoints
- Police Chief Scott LaChasse
- police commission
- Police Commissioner David Diamond
- police officers
- police pursuits
- police shooting
- political ads
- political campaigns
- politicians
- politics
- polling places
- polls
- pollution
- pool party
- pools
- pop culture
- Pope Francis
- Porto's
- Porto's Bakery
- post office
- post offices
- power outages
- Powerball
- premieres
- presents
- President Barack Obama
- President Dilma Vana Rousseff
- President Donald Trump
- President Joe Biden
- President John Kennedy
- President Obama
- President Ronald Reagan
- President Trump
- President-elect Donald Trump
- presidential campaign 2024
- presidential debates
- presidential elections
- Presidential Primary 2024
- presidential race
- presidents
- Presidents Day
- press release
- price gouging
- prices
- primary
- Primetime Emmys
- Prince
- Prince George
- Prince Rainier
- Prince William
- Princess Charlotte
- producer
- producers
- Producers Guild of America
- production
- production companies
- productions
- profits
- Project 2025
- promotions
- property
- property crime
- property for sale
- property sales
- property taxes
- Proposition 30
- Proposition 36
- Proposition 47
- Proposition 8
- Protect California Ballots
- protected land
- protest vote
- protests
- Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center
- PT Cruiser
- public information officer
- public service messages
- Public Works Department
- publications
- Publicist Ronni Chasen
- publishers
- publishing
- publishing deal
- publishing industry
- pubs
- pumpkins
- Queen Elizabeth
- Quote of the Day
- race
- races
- radio
- radio disc jockey
- Rafael Quintero
- raffles
- rain
- rainbows
- rainstorms
- rallies
- Rancho District
- ratings
- rattlesnakes
- raw milk
- Ray Rice
- reading
- real estate
- reality television
- reality TV
- rebates
- recalls
- recession
- recipes
- record breaker
- records
- recounts
- recycle
- recycling
- Red Cross
- redistricting
- Reese Witherspoon
- referendum
- refugees
- refunds
- Reggie Bush
- relief funds
- religion
- renovation
- rent control
- rental gear
- rental property
- renters
- Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank)
- Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.)
- Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)
- Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Oakland)
- Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
- Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA)
- Rep. Katie Porter(D-Irvine)
- reproductive rights
- Republicans
- research
- research studies
- Reseda
- residents
- resignation
- restaurant
- restaurants
- retail stores
- retail theft
- retailers
- retirement
- reusable bags
- Reuters
- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- reviews
- rewards
- Rialto
- Richmond
- Ricky Gervais
- Rihanna
- Ringo Starr
- Riverside County
- road work
- robberies
- robbery
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr
- Robin Williams
- robotaxis
- Roger Ebert
- Rolling Stones
- Roman Polanski
- romance
- Romancing the Bean
- Ron Davis
- Ronni Chasen
- Rose Bowl
- Rose Parade
- Rose Parade floats
- Rose Queen
- roses
- Rowland Heights
- royal baby
- royal court
- royal wedding
- Ruby Dee
- runaway production
- Russell Williams
- Ryan Reynolds
- Sacramento
- Safari Inn
- SAG Awards
- salaries
- sales
- Sally Field
- same-sex marriage
- San Bernardino
- San Bernardino County
- San Bruno
- San Diego
- San Diego Padres
- San Fernando Valley
- San Francisco
- San Francisco Bay Area
- San Francisco Giants
- San Gabriel Mountains Monument
- Sand Fire
- sandbags
- Santa Ana winds
- Santa Barbara County
- Santa Clarita
- Santa Claus
- Santa Monica
- Santa Monica College
- Sarah Palin
- Sasha Obama
- Save Magnolia Park
- scams
- scandal
- scarves
- school board
- schools
- Scratcher games
- scratchers
- Screen Actors Guild
- screenings
- screenplay deals
- screenplays
- screenwriters
- screeplays
- script deals
- script sales
- scripts
- sculptors
- Sean "Diddy" Combs
- Sears
- seasons
- Seattle
- Seattle Seahawks
- second jobs
- Secret Security
- Secretary of State's Office
- security breach
- seeds
- sellers
- Selma
- Senator Barbara Boxer
- Senator Laphonza Butler (D-CA)
- seniors
- September
- September 11
- sequels
- Serena Williams
- Service Employees International Union
- service projects
- seucrity
- sex offenders
- sexual assault
- Sharon Springer
- Shelly Sterling
- shelters
- Sheryl Crow
- Shirley Temple Black
- Shohei Ohtani
- shooting
- shootings
- shoppers
- shopping
- shopping spree
- shopping Target
- short stories
- Shout-outs and Call-outs
- Showbiz Buzz
- showers
- showrunners
- shuttle
- sick leave
- sidewalks
- signs
- Silicon Valley
- Silver Lake
- singer
- singers
- sinkhole
- sitcoms
- sky
- skywatchers
- slam dunk
- Slurpee
- small businesses
- Smart & Final
- Smart & Final Extra
- Smart and Final
- smart meters
- smart phones
- smog check
- smoke
- snacks
- snakes
- sneakers
- Snoop Dogg
- So Cal
- soap operas
- SoCal
- social justice
- social media
- social networks
- social programs
- social security
- soda
- softball
- solar eclipse
- songs
- songwriters
- Sony
- Sony Pictures
- South Africa
- South Carolina
- South Korea
- Southalnd
- Southern California
- Southland
- Southwest Airlines
- space
- space program
- space shuttle
- space shuttles
- space travel
- spec screenplays
- spec script market
- spec scripts
- Special Olympics
- Special Olympics World Games 2015
- speeches
- Sports
- Sports Authority
- Sports Illustrated
- spring
- Spring Egg-Stravaganza
- SpringHill Suites
- Sprint
- St. Patrick's Day
- stabbing
- staffing
- stage plays
- stage productions
- stamps
- stand-off
- Standard Time
- Staples
- Staples Center
- Star Wars Holiday
- Starbucks
- state
- State Assembly Select Committee
- state budget
- state senate
- State Treasurer John Chiang
- Stephen Colbert
- Stephen King
- Steve Ballmer
- Steve Ferguson
- Steve Garvey
- Steve Harvey
- Steve Jobs
- Steven Ferguson
- Stevie Wonder
- stock market
- stocks
- Stop Walmart in Burbank
- stores
- stories
- storm
- storm preparations
- storms
- streamers
- street fair
- street festivals
- street signs
- streets
- strike
- strikes
- student aid
- students
- Studio City
- studios
- subscriptions
- success
- Sudan
- Suge Knight
- summer
- summertime
- sun
- Sun Valley
- Sunland
- Super Bowl
- Super Bowl 2014
- Super Bowl XLIX
- superheroes
- Superintendent Matt Hill
- SuperLotto Plus
- Superman
- supermarkets
- supermodel
- supermoon
- superstitions
- surveys
- suspect
- suspects
- suspicious device
- sustainability
- swimming
- swine flu
- Sylmar
- T Mobile
- Taco Bell
- Tai Chic
- Talaria project
- talent
- talent search
- Talk of the Town
- talk show host
- talk show hosts
- talk shows
- Tallyrand
- Tamala Takahashi
- tapes
- Target
- tax break
- tax credit bill
- taxes
- taxis
- Taye Diggs
- Taylor Swift
- Teacher
- teachers
- technologies
- Ted Kennedy
- teenagers
- television
- television deals
- television dramas
- television news
- television series
- television stations
- temperature
- temperatures
- tenants
- Tender Greens
- tennis
- Terje "Terry" Canavarro
- terrorism
- terrorists attacks
- Tesla
- text messages
- texting
- texts
- Thanksgiving
- The Arsenio Hall Show
- The Automobile Club
- The Beach Boys
- The Beatles
- The Burbank Channel
- The Burbank Leader
- The Burbank Studios
- The Burbank Tournament of Roses Association
- The Ellen DeGeneres Show
- The Glendale News-Press
- The Harris Poll
- The Heritage Foundation
- The Home Depot
- The Huntington Library
- The Late Show with David Letterman
- The Los Angeles Dodgers
- The Los Angeles Times
- The New York Times
- The Rink
- The Snug
- The Tonight Show
- The White House
- The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
- The Wrap
- the Young and the Restless
- theater
- theater chains
- theaters
- theatres
- theft
- theme parks
- therapy
- Thomas Riccio
- Thousand Oaks
- thunder
- thunderstorms
- ticket sales
- tickets
- Tiger Woods
- TikTok
- Tim Kaine
- time
- TIME magazine
- Time Warner
- Time Warner Cable
- Tina Fey
- Today Show
- Toluca Lake
- Tom Angel
- tomatoes
- Tonight Show
- Tony Awards
- Tony Bennett
- tornadoes
- Torrance
- total eclipse
- tour
- Tournament of Roses
- Tournament of Roses parade
- tours
- town hall meetings
- Toyota
- toys
- TPing
- Tracy Morgan
- Trader Joe's
- traditions
- traffic
- traffic accident
- traffic accidents
- traffic violators
- tragedies
- trailers
- train accidents
- trains
- transformer
- transgender
- transit of Venus
- transportation
- Transportation Security Administration
- travel
- travel adventures
- tree down
- tree lighting
- trees
- Trials
- Tribune Company
- Tribune Publishing
- tributes
- Tronc
- Tropical Storm Hilary
- Trump administration
- tsunami
- Turkey
- TV
- TV deals
- TV host
- TV networks
- TV series
- TV talk show hosts
- TV talk shows
- TV writers
- tWeb Buzz
- tweets
- Twinkies
- twisters
- Twitter Chatter
- Two and a Half Men
- Tyler Perry
- typhoons
- typhus
- U.S Postal Service
- U.S. Bank
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- U.S. Census Bureau
- U.S. flag
- U.S. Justice Department
- U.S. military
- U.S. Post Office
- U.S. Senate race
- U.S. Supreme Court
- U.S. troops
- umbrellas
- uncommitted voters
- undocumented
- unions
- Unique Vintage
- United States
- Universal City
- Universal Pictures
- Universal Studios
- Universal Studios Hollywood
- updates
- US Congress
- US Geological Survey
- US Open 2023
- US Postal Service
- US Supreme Court
- US Treasury
- used cars
- USS Iowa
- utilities
- utility boxes
- utility poles
- utility rates
- vacation
- vaccines
- vacuums
- Valentine's Day
- Van Nuys
- Vanity Fair
- variety show
- vegetables
- vegetation
- Venice
- Venus
- Venus Williams
- Verdugo Avenue
- Verdugo Monthly
- Verdugo Park
- Verdugo Recreation Center
- Verizon
- Verve Talent and Literary Agency
- veterans
- Veterans Day
- Viacom
- Vice Mayor Bob Frutos
- Vice Mayor Konstantine Anthony
- Vice Mayor Nick Schultz
- Vice President Joe Biden
- Vice President Kamala Harris
- vice-mayor
- victims
- Victory Boulevard
- video
- video games
- viewing party
- Vincent Price
- vintage license plates
- vintage vehicles
- violence
- viruses
- volunteers
- vote
- vote center
- vote-by-mail ballots
- voters
- votes
- voting
- wages
- Wal-Mart
- walking
- walkouts
- wall street
- Walmart
- Walt Disney Company
- Walt Disney Studios
- Warner Bros.
- warnings
- Warren Buffett
- Washington
- Washington DC
- Washington DC City Council
- Washington Post
- WashingtonDC
- water
- water issues
- water restrictions
- watering tips
- Waterwise Tips
- weather
- Web Buzz
- websites
- weddings
- weekly address
- weight loss
- weird news
- Wells Fargo
- West Hollywood
- West Los Angeles
- West Nile virus
- WGA-West
- White House
- White House blog
- White House dog Bo
- Whitney Houston
- Whole Foods market
- wildfires
- wildflowers
- Wildwood Canyon Park
- Will Rogers
- William "Bill" Taylor
- Wilmington
- winds
- windstorm
- wine
- winners
- Winston Churchill
- winter
- winter solstice
- wirless carriers
- women
- women's basket ball
- Women's Equality Day
- Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill
- Woodbury University
- Woodland Hills
- work
- work force
- workers
- workout
- workshops
- world records
- World Series
- writer
- writers
- Writers Guild of America
- writing
- Yahoo
- yard signs
- yards
- Yasiel Puig
- year of the dragon
- Yelp
- yogurt
- youth
- YouTube
- Zelle
Monday, August 10, 2020
By Fronnie Lewis Monday, August 10, 2020
A controversial rent control ordinance is headed for the November 3 General Election ballot in Burbank. Caught between a rock and a hard place, the Burbank City Council last Friday, August 7, voted unanimously to let the voters decide the future of rent control. The council members took this action grudgingly, while complaining of dire consequences if the measure passes. […]
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Friday, August 7, 2020
By Fronnie Lewis Friday, August 7, 2020
Some candidates for the Burbank City Council are off to a fast start. Yard signs are popping up. And fundraising is in full swing. Officially the race for two seats on the council began on May 3, 2020, when potential candidates were allowed to begin fundraising. Next, the nomination period opened on July 13, 2020 and is scheduled to close […]
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Saturday, July 18, 2020
By Fronnie Lewis Saturday, July 18, 2020
John Lewis died yesterday at the age of 80. He was a crusader for civil rights and voting rights. Continue his fight. Stand up for what is right. And vote , not only at the national and state level, but locally. That will honor his legacy and make our America better and stronger.
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Monday, June 1, 2020
By Fronnie Lewis Monday, June 1, 2020
A curfew goes into effect in Burbank at 5 p.m. until 6 a.m. today and many businesses are taking action. Some, like the Apple computer specialist, MelroseMac, 2400 West Olive Avenue, are boarding up doors and windows preparing for the worst. Before the City of Burbank issued the order for a 5 p.m. curfew, plenty of chatter on social media […]
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Tuesday, March 24, 2020
By Fronnie Lewis Tuesday, March 24, 2020
The latest Burbank COVID-19 update for Monday, March 23, has new information. In it, Mayor, Sharon Springer, talks about the newest restrictions added to the “Safer at Home” order. The Los Angeles County Health Department issued that order. A summary and link to that order is here. Also, Mayor Springer announced the closure of hiking trails, gives reminders on what […]
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Saturday, March 21, 2020
By Fronnie Lewis Saturday, March 21, 2020
Another update today from the mayor of Burbank. In this coronavirus update, Sharon Springer, announces some important changes to how the public works department handles bulky items and some trash pick-ups.
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Saturday, March 21, 2020
By Fronnie Lewis Saturday, March 21, 2020
On Friday, March 20, Burbank Mayor Sharon Springer recorded another coronavirus outbreak update for residents. In this video, Springer talks about the “Safer at Home” order from the State of California and the Los Angeles County Health Department. Also, the mayor explains what you can do and what you cannot do under the new tighter restrictions.
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Saturday, March 21, 2020
By Fronnie Lewis Saturday, March 21, 2020
Some good news for Burbankers. The recently proposed Burbank Water and Power rate increase has been suspended. Last Thursday, March 19, city officials made the decision due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. Mayor Sharon Springer has more on that and an alert for residents to be on the lookout for scammers during this difficult time.
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